Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Log 6 - Fast Ball

On tuesday we played a game called fastball in this game the interpersonal skill i showed was effective communication.
I helped my team by being loud enough for them to hear and also by getting their attention so that they knew i was going to pass it to them. For example, When they would have the ball and i was open i would yell there name so that they can pass the ball.

My outcome for the skill helped out because the team could hear me. I was able to be vocal enough for my team to hear and it was easier for them to find me and pass the ball.

Log 5 Multi sports

On wednesday the 4th of april we played multi sports and I showed the interpersonal skill Co-operation.
I showed this skill by finding the open man. I helped my team by drawing in players from the other team and passing it to the person who was not marked. Also, This helped include everyone in the team because they got to touch the ball.

My outcome for this skill helped me stay focused and keep calm and also help the team out by sharing and not hogging the ball. Also by drawing in the defender helped out my team because it left the player open and we were able to score more points

Log 4 Multi Sports

On tuesday we played a fun game called multi sports and the interpersonal skill i showed was inclusiveness.
I showed this interpersonal skill by including my teammates and sharing the ball around. I tried finding the open man so that it was easier for the team to score. I helped my team by sharing the ball around evenly and making sure everyone was included in the game.

My outcome for this skill helped us out in scoring because i found the open man in my team and that helped us score more points .

Log 3 Doctor Dodgeball

On friday we played doctor dodge and the interpersonal skill i demonstrated was co-operation.
I showed this skill by helping my team and sharing the dodgeballs around and also helping out the team. I was helping my team by telling them to protect the doctor when he/she was picking the player up that was tagged

My outcome for this skill really helped out in a lot of ways because i was sharing the dodgeballs around and gave it to the people that was closer to the mats and when i was doctor i always helped my team up when they were tagged with the ball.

Log 2 Basketball

On Friday the 9th of march we played basketball and i showed the interpersonal skill of effective communication.
I showed this skill by talking to my teammates and calling for the ball and saying who i was marking. For example i was shouting “pass the ball” and i’ve got nehaal” (example name)

My outcome for this skill helped out in a lot of ways because i was loud enough and my team could hear me. Loud communication helped my team because we could hear where to pass the ball and told the team who we are marking and who to mark.

Log 1 Fast Ball

Last friday at fastball i demonstrated the interpersonal skill inclusiveness.
I showed this skill by including all my teammates and making sure each and every one of them touched the ball. All my teammates felt good and we were also using communication when we were on the court.
My outcome of my skill helped out for not only me but for the whole team, we were all being included and that is how we were effective during the game .

We were using more players than the other team and we were better on the offensive side of things.